Always Running the Same Search in Email?

Post date: Oct 18, 2011 8:52:11 PM

Using Quick Links

If you run the same search on a regular basis to locate specific Google Mail messages, chances are you've had to type in the same search criteria a number of times to find your messages. With the Quick Links lab, you can save your search and quickly run it over again with just a click of your mouse!

Step 1: Enable the Quick Links Lab

First, you'll need to enable the Quick Links lab:

1. If you haven't yet enabled labs, click Settings then Labs. If you have already enabled at least one lab, you should see a green beaker to the left of Settings. Click the beaker for a direct shortcut to Labs.

2. Enable the Quick Links lab on the Labs page.

3. Save your changes.

After enabling the lab, you'll see the new Quick Links gadget in Google Mail.

Step 2: Run your search

To save a quick link search, enter in your search criteria and run the search to make sure you receive the expected results.

Step 3: Save the Quick Link

The last step is to save the link and rename it. The Quick Links gadget captures the URL defined for the search or action.

1. Click Add Quick Link to display the quick links dialog box.

2. With the link highlighted in blue, simply type in the name of your new link.

3. Click OK.

4. Your new link displays in the Quick Links gadget.

Now, whenever you want to run the search again, simply click the quick link!

Quick Links can save you time in other ways as well. Let's say you modify labels often. You can set up a one-click shortcut to get to Labels.

1. Click Settings > Labels as you normally would so the Quick Links gadget can capture the URL.

2. Click Add Quick Link in the Quick Links gadget and give your Quick Link a name as you did in Step 2 above.

To delete a quick link, simply click the 'x' at the end of the quick link name.
